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      02-28-2019, 05:41 AM   #389
Rmtt's Avatar

Drives: 2011 BMW 128i, 2008 LS3 C6
Join Date: Jan 2019
Location: South Carolina

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Originally Posted by FlaPatsFan View Post
Rmtt, love my super greens! This brand is phenomenal. I can definitely feel it if I run out and have a few days off of it. Crazy but true. That stuff is packed with nutrient rich body fuel!

Update Front Squat 1rm....tied my my PR at 335 today. Went for 345 and missed. It happens. I’m a firm believer in pushing your limits to failure. You need to fail in order to succeed. And I could care less about failed reps at the gym. If I don’t see ppl failing reps then I know they not pushing hard enough. The mental game is just as if not as important as the physical game!

Squat cleans 3x3 at 225....Hang Power cleans 3x3 at 185 (normal numbers for those).

I agree....I have been using the brand below for awhile, but I think I will pick up some of what you are using and try it out. My wife and I have one in the evening after dinner. We make it together, add Chia Seeds, and add more Spinach, Kale, and Chard. We also mix in a fresh anti-oxidant berry blend that is jokingly enough in the same section as all of the frozen cakes and pies in our supermarket. A huge bag is about $10 and last two weeks. It has blackberries, blueberries, dark cherries, etc.

Nothing wrong with missing your weight. There are a host of things that come into play, and you never know until you try it. I can't begin to tell you how many PR's I have missed...especially on good days when it seems everything is aligned and I feel awesome.

Then I have those days that I don't feel like getting out of bed, but I drag myself to the gym anyway. Some of those have been my best workouts ever, and I have hit a lot of personal bests on days when I feel like I won't be able to use the weights I was killing the previous week!
Everybody has a gameplan....until they get punched in the mouth.
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