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      11-13-2019, 04:15 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by Kev608 View Post
I am fairly tech challenged, but wouldn't the 120hz refresh on the Index be the best sim racing solution? I understand it has less resolution, but is that as big a deal as refresh rate? I watched some reviews and the HP doesn't even compare imo. If I bought the stand alone headset it is only $500 and the HP is $650.
Higher refresh rate is always desirable, but it's diminishing returns. Beyond 90Hz it's just extra comfort, it's not essential. And you need proportionally more GPU power to sustain that frame rate, which is currently the biggest issue in high res VR gaming.

It would actually be better if you could vary the refresh rate to match your comfort level, and for example lower it to 80Hz, so you can free up about 10% performance and put that into supersampling so you can get crisper image.

The biggest problem is the resolution and so called Screen Door Effect, where everything is really blurry, and you see lines between pixels on the screen (you're looking at it through a magnifying lens inside the HMD).

So, resolution (both screen pixel density and internally rendered image) is a lot more important than higher refresh rate.

I really recommend the Reverb for you to start with. It's relatively cheap and much less hassle to use than something like Index, which requires permanent sensors around your room for tracking. Reverb has inside out tracking, you just put it on press a button to center and that's it.

It's not a big investment and if you decide VR is for you, it's good enough for next couple of years until the technology improves.
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