Thread: Near Collisions
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      09-06-2005, 03:22 PM   #4
If love is the answer,please rephrase the question
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Drives: Tit Silver 325i
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Location: San Diego, Ca

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Wow how scary!

Ive had many close calls.. Right after it happens, i actually have to take a moment to ask myself.. HOW THE HELL DID I GET OUT OF THAT?! .. its a split second situation. Or when car is about to side swipe me, ive been so lucky cause normally you should check the other lane before swerving into it, but ive just done it, and thank God..each time its happened.. No one was there..

I have a crazy story that happened to my aunt. She was driving a mercedes on the freeway and it was raining. She said the freeway was busy too (middle of the day). She hydroplaned and slid all 4 lanes and ended up about a foot away from the concrete divider. While this was happening, she said it was like slow motion.. she was praying & praying, and when she looked behind her (cause she obviously thought if i dont hit the divider someone will hit me from behind).. the freeway was clear. So about 3 days later, she was outside her house and a strange man pulls up in a truck and stares at her. She asked "can i help u?" And all he said was "Jesus is with you". And he just left.
Proud mama to 325i/TiAg/Black lette/Pwr seats/Sirius/Sport/Walnut/Step/Xenons/Chrome exhaust/20% tint
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