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      02-04-2024, 08:58 PM   #6
chassis's Avatar

Drives: 9Y0 Cayenne S
Join Date: Mar 2019
Location: Einbahnstraße

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I am working on form as a priority. Yardage is secondary to developing a new swim stroke.

My overall fitness/weight is where I want it, so I don't need to crank out big yardage. If I tried to do 1,000 yards or 1 mile per session with my current stroke, my shoulder would not be happy. So I am training the body to breathe bilaterally and am adopting other improvements so my stroke is more efficient and less strenuous in an undesirable way.

I swim in the colder months, so there is no hurry. I will make some stroke changes now, then get back on the bike outdoors in 6-8 weeks or so, then come back to swimming next season.
Appreciate 1